Thursday, December 1, 2011


We stayed home for Thanksgiving this year after being on the road so much this month. AnnMomma and Joe came down, along with Uncle Jeff and his family. Once again, we were visited by yet another stomach bug (how many of these things can really be out there?!). Thursday we all managed to be well enough to eat and cook and have a nice day. David smoked an amazing bacon-wrapped turkey breast. Really good stuff. David's dad and brother have a tradition of going out and hitting the sales on Friday morning and this year they took David with them (although they worried he would slow them down...).We all went out a little later (they left at 4:30 am) but since we live in a pretty small town, there wasn't all that much going on.
This pilgrim is sooo excited about the holidays

Gonna help daddy with his grillin'

Jenna gets in some much-desired time playing with trucks ;)

Yes, there is turkey under all that bacon

AnnMomma, with no room in her cart for bargains

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